Overview of Topelia

The Topelia business model is built on developing our patented Antiviral Triple Therapy (ATT) designated TPL101, which combines the existing approved drugs ivermectin and doxycycline, as well as zinc chelate, to initially target COVID-19 infection.

The benefit of using a combination of drugs that have already been approved means that the timeline and costs involved are greatly reduced. Having well-established safety profiles of the individual components of TPL101 also means that risk is also significantly reduced. After consultation with regulatory groups, Topelia will be able to complete the clinical development of TPL101 by executing two Phase 1 trials and a modestly sized Phase 3 trial.

Subsequently we expect to dose our first patients with TPL101 in our Phase 1 trials in August 2024. We plan to launch our Phase 3 trial, for which we already have ethics approval, by the end of 2024. If things progress according to plan, Topelia expect to apply to the TGA for approval of TPL101 during 2025.